US News

Arizona ‘Karen’ slapped across the face for telling woman to ‘go back to Mexico’

A so-called “Karen” in Arizona was slapped across the face for telling a Native American woman to “go back to Mexico.”

The caught-on-camera scuffle happened Saturday inside a Shell convenience store in Phoenix, fellow customer Greg Conn posted to Facebook.

In the moments before Conn started filming, he said “Karen,” a middle-aged white woman in a black-and-white dress, stormed into the store flustered because her gas pump wasn’t working.

The encounter between a 'Karen' and another woman at a gas station in Arizona.

Conn said “Karen” got into a back-and-forth with a younger woman who was being helped at the counter. “Karen” told the woman “to go back to her country.”

Then he turned on his camera.

“Native Americans are from this country,” the younger woman can be heard saying. Then she tells a clerk, “Don’t serve her racist ass.”

“Karen” then confronts Conn, telling him he needs to leave because “you’re not a part of this.”

Then she returns to the counter and asks the younger woman, “Where are you from? Where were you born?”

“Where are you from, b—h?” the younger woman shoots back. “I was born in America. Where are your ancestors from? They’re not from this country.”

“You better go back to Mexico,” the older woman says, before the two get in each other’s faces.

”Karen” appears to shove the younger woman, who slaps her across the face — prompting the older woman to storm out in a huff.

“You deserved it, in my opinion,” Conn says while still recording. “Self-defense on her part.”

“Karen,” who initially claimed she was the manager of the convenience store, is not employed there and is no longer welcome at any of its locations nationwide, the owners told TMZ.

The “Karen” moniker is social media shorthand for white women who call the cops on black people over harmless incidents.

The incident comes nearly two weeks after the “Central Park Karen” fiasco — in which Amy Cooper called the police on black birdwatcher Christian Cooper after he asked her to leash her dog.