
Bernie Madoff denied compassionate release, will likely die in prison

A federal judge on Thursday rejected Bernard Madoff’s request to be released early from prison because he was dying of kidney failure, saying the swindler had yet to show remorse for running his epic Ponzi scheme.

Circuit Judge Denny Chin, who sentenced Madoff to 150 years in prison in 2009, wrote that while Madoff’s failing health was “most unfortunate,” he should remain locked up for running “one of the most egregious financial crimes of our time.”

The judge said many victims are still suffering, and that the 82-year-old Madoff was “never truly remorseful,” being sorry only that his life had collapsed around him.

“When I sentenced Mr. Madoff in 2009, it was fully my intent that he live out the rest of his life in prison,” Chin wrote. “Nothing has happened in the 11 years since to change my thinking.”

Madoff’s lawyer Brandon Sample said in a statement that the judge “essentially found that because of the nature of Madoff’s crimes — Madoff is beyond redemption. We are disappointed with Judge Chin’s refusal to grant Madoff any compassion.”

Sample said Madoff’s only hope is for President Trump to commute his sentence.

The denial comes as other prominent inmates, including Bill Cosby, have asked for early release because of the coronavirus crisis.