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7-year-old Pakistani girl beaten to death for letting boss’ parrot escape

A 7-year-old Pakistani girl was allegedly beaten to death after she was blamed for letting a pet parrot escape while working as a maid, according to a report.

Zohra Bibi was employed by Hassan Siddiqui and his wife at their home in a suburb of Islamabad to care for their son, Agence Frances-Presse reported.

“The poor girl was subjected to torture by Siddiqui and his wife who accused her of freeing one of the four pet Macao parrots,” officer Mukhtar Ahmad told the outlet.

Siddiqui kicked the young girl in the lower abdomen in a blow that proved fatal, the officer told the AFP.

She was brought Sunday to the hospital, where she died the following day from her injuries, according to the outlet.

Her body was returned to her parents, who live in Muzaffargarh, more than 300 miles from her employers, the report said.

“Violence and physical torture against children will not be tolerated and all those involved in such incidents will be dealt with,” city police chief Muhammad Ahsan Younus told the outlet.

Shireen Mazari, who is the country’s minister of human rights, announced the couple has been arrested in the wake of the girl’s murder, the outlet reported.

Though it’s illegal to employ anyone under the age of 15 in Pakistan, many children account for the 8.5 million domestic workers in the nation, according to the outlet.