Alex Bregman: ‘If hating the KKK loses me fans, then I hope I lose them’

Houston Astros third baseman Alex Bregman chimed in on the nation-wide movement against social injustice via Twitter early Monday.

Bregman declared the Klu Klux Klan “should be” considered  a terrorist organization and was then met with a tweet telling the two-time All-Star to “stick to sports, before you lose 75% of your fan base.”

Bregman, 26, responded quickly.

“If hating the KKK loses me fans, then I hope I lose them.”

The increased discussion of racial injustice on social media was sparked by the police-involved killing of George Floyd, a St. Paul, Minn., man who died after an officer held his knee on his neck.

On Friday, Bregman tweeted “We are not free until we are all free,” and has since shared the messages of several other athletes calling for reform.