US News

82-year-old charged with killing lover in violent sex game gone wrong

An 82-year-old married man has been charged in Texas with killing his secret male lover during a sadomasochistic sex game gone terribly wrong, according to court documents.

Alan Bischof was busted for felony aggravated assault over the death of lover Craig LaMell, 65, who died almost a month after claiming he had been jumped by several strangers near his home in Houston.

The octogenarian’s brutal bedroom beatdown was only discovered four months later when he retired — and his manager found a confession on his work computer, according to an affidavit.

In emails and documents, Bischof — who has been married 35 years — went into “great detail” about his secret “sexual relationship,” according to the court papers and his lawyer.

He wrote about how “they engaged in sadomasochistic behavior” — and that “LaMell had requested Bischof to assault him,” according to the court records.

Bischof described his lover as a “helpless baby” during the attack — and even took a photo of him lying on the ground bloodied with injuries to his face, upper body and arms, the papers say.

The pair agreed on the “mutual plan” of claiming it was a mugging — yet LaMell also gave conflicting excuses to friends, even claiming he was battered by the jealous husband of a woman he was seeing.

Despite initially being discharged from Houston’s Methodist Hospital — including almost a week in the ICU — LaMell died on Dec. 2 after being readmitted for emergency surgery for bleeding on the brain. His death was ruled a homicide from blunt force head trauma, the papers say.

Bischof’s confessionals only came to light on April 29 — almost five months after his lover’s death — when his former manager found them on his work computer after he retired from Chevron, the papers say.

During his employment, Bischof had signed away any right to privacy on the computer and it was “company policy to monitor soon-to-be terminated employee’s computer activity,” the papers say.

It included a document titled “Confession” — in which Bischof said he planned to kill himself over the accidental death of his lover, the court docs say, with suicide notes to his family also on the computer.

During police interviews, he said that “everything in the letter was correct” — and that they had mutually planned the brutal beating “for several weeks” beforehand.

Bischof, who was 81 at the time of the attack, told officers that “while the blows were hard, they were not as hard as he could possibly punch someone,” the documents state.

Bischof was charged with aggravated assault of a family member because of their relationship. He was released on $50,000 bond.

“I don’t have anything to say right now,” he told KPRC2 on his doorstep Tuesday.

A source close to Bischof said his wife Beverly wasn’t aware of the relationship.

“But I bet she knows all about it now” the source added.

Bischof’s attorney, Mike Russo, confirmed that the 82-year-old confessed everything to the police — while making it clear it was a “mutual relationship” that was “fully consensual.”

“He had nothing but love for Craig,” Russo told The Post, saying his heartbroken client called the secret relationship “a love affair that lasted four years.”

Russo stressed that LaMell had been the one to tell authorities he had been attacked by strangers — and also challenged whether his death could be tied directly to the consensual S&M session.

The case is likely to test Texas’ legal limits on what “is allowed to go on in the bedroom between consenting adults,” Russo said.