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Bill Maher says Democrats should ignore Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade

Bill Maher is not interested in Tara Reade.

The comedian and HBO host criticized the media for focusing on her and said the Democratic party should not allow itself to be sucked into letting Reade’s allegations that Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993 hurt his presidential campaign now.

“Believing everything doesn’t make you noble, it makes you gullible,” Maher said, attacking one of the central premises of the #MeToo movement.

“And it leaves us with a world where Republicans don’t care about this stuff, so it’s just a unilateral weapon that is used only against Democrats. Trump rides the bus with Billy Bush, we throw Al Franken under it.”

Maher questioned why Reade had decided to come forward only at this very moment and not earlier during the primary process, and also brought up her now-deleted blog posts offering effusive praise to Russian autocrat Vladimir Putin.

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but America has turned into a failed state that does a worse job keeping its citizens alive during a pandemic than Cambodia. And to me, that’s a little more important than Tara Reade achieving closure,” he said.

Maher added that the election was too important to allow the Reade allegations to matter.

“Democrats are the party of choice, we can choose not to completely f–k ourselves over this,” he said.

Reade’s attorney, Douglas Wigdor, accused Maher of “reclying[ing] old rape myths.”

“He ought to be ashamed, and I expect that those who believe in the #metoo movement will join me in condemning him for his hurtful words that unfortunately, will act as a deterrent to survivors that grapple with coming forward because of comments such as his,” Wigdor said in a statement.