
Bill Baroni wants law license back after ‘Bridgegate’ conviction overturned

A former Port Authority exec wants his law license back now that his conviction in New Jersey’s “Bridgegate” scandal has been overturned by the Supreme Court.

Bill Baroni filed motions Friday with courts in New Jersey and in Washington to lift his suspension from practicing law, reported.

Baroni and Bridget Anne Kelly, a former aide to then-Gov. Chris Christie, were convicted of conspiracy and fraud charges in 2016 after a vengeful plot to cause a nightmarish traffic jam on the George Washington Bridge three years earlier.

Baroni’s motions came just hours after the nation’s highest court vacated both his and Kelly’s prison sentences on a technicality. The unanimous decision, though, included a scathing condemnation of their actions.

“This is the final chapter in this long, tragic story,” Stephen M. Orlofsky, Baroni’s attorney, said of Friday’s filings. “By doing this, we’re hoping to restore Mr. Baroni’s good name in the community.”