US News

Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade sits down for interview with Megyn Kelly

Joe Biden accuser Tara Reade has given a lengthy interview to Megyn Kelly — who is promising “a ton of news” will be revealed.

“Former Biden staffer #TaraREade, who accuses FMR VP #JoeBiden of sexually assaulting her in 1993, sits down w/me in her first on-camera interview since Mr. Biden denied her accusations,” Kelly announced on Twitter.

Reade will tell her story and answer “tough” questions, Kelly says, calling the sit-down “a riveting exchange.”

The interview, which will be posted to Kelly’s Instagram and YouTube channel, was produced by Rich McHugh — who was Ronan Farrow’s former NBC News reporting partner in investigating Harvey Weinstein.

Reade accuses Biden of pinning her against a wall and sexually assaulting her in 1993 — which the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee has denied.

“She will describe to the American public what happened to her,” said her lawyer, Douglas Wigdor. “Her harrowing account is credible and supported by numerous ‘outcry’ witnesses from decades ago.”

Megyn Kelly
Megyn KellyBruce Glikas/Getty Images

Wigdor, a lawyer for five Weinstein survivors, has repped sex assault accusers on both sides of the partisan divide, including Dr. Christine Blasey Ford during the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.