US News

University of Delaware board with strong Biden ties keeping records secret

University of Delaware board members, who are withholding Joe Biden’s Senate records as a sexual assault allegation against him gains momentum, have close personal and financial ties to the former vice president, according to a new report.

Multiple top officials at the university were found to be top donors to the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee — the chairman of the board even purchasing Biden’s home for a “top dollar” price of $1.2 million in the 1990s, the Fox News report published Thursday claims.

After graduating from Yale University, Biden’s son Hunter Biden was hired by credit card company MNBA, where university board chair John Cochran, who purchased the family home, was then the vice chairman, per the report.

The university faces mounting pressure to release the thousands of boxes of records that Biden, 77, gave to the institution in 2012, which could include information regarding ex-Senate staffer Tara Reade’s claim that Biden assaulted her in 1993.

The university said it would release the records two years after Biden’s last day in elected office, but just hours before he announced his presidential bid last April, it backtracked and said it would make the records public two years after Biden “retires from public life,” the Fox News report noted.

Biden is yet to comment publicly on the allegations but is facing increasing pressure to do so as more evidence emerges strengthening Reade’s claims.

On Wednesday, it was revealed that the Biden campaign was advising top Democrats to deny the assault ever took place.

The University of Delaware did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment.