
Study explores how well parents are enduring lockdown with their kids

Being home with the kids more has seven in ten parents agreeing that being a teacher is harder than their current job, according to new research.

Four in five parents confessed to having a newfound respect for teachers and 77 percent think educators should be paid more after spending day-in-and-day-out with the kids.

A study of 2,000 parents at home with their school-age children during COVID-19 examined the realities of keeping kids occupied and engaged while in self-isolation.


The survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Osmo revealed half of the respondents are working from home and that’s only adding to the family chaos.

Seven in ten of those working from home revealed keeping their children occupied is hindering their work performance and three in four have found balancing their job with their children’s education “overwhelming.”

As many school districts announce they won’t be reopening in this school year, respondents expressed deep concern for the long-term effects staying at home could have on their children.

Three in four worry their child will fall behind on education milestones with so much time spent outside of the classroom.

In the meantime, parents are still looking for help to keep their kids learning and four in five (82 percent) would even pay to have their child use an educational program while at home.

The top subjects parents want their children to stay on top of are mathematics (67 percent), science (64 percent) and reading (57 percent).

Two-thirds have resorted to workbooks and worksheets to instill knowledge in their kids while 61 percent look to educational TV shows.

Fifty-six percent are making sure their children video conference with their teachers. One in two (49 percent) are reading aloud to their children and 37 percent are taking a modern approach with education games on tablets and mobile devices.

As the weeks wear on, though, many are beginning to hit a wall. Four in five wish they had more engaging and fun activities and two-thirds (68 percent) confess they’re running out of ideas to occupy the kids.

“We’re happy to hear so many parents saying they appreciate teachers more and have greater respect for them,” says Jan Richards, Osmo’s Head of Education.

Seventy-seven percent of respondents wished they had a more established schedule in place for their family.

Two-thirds have some sort of a daily schedule and 93 percent of those say it helps to create a sense of normalcy in their home.

Some activities parents have done with the kids while self-isolating were watching TV and movies (63 percent), drawing (54 percent), games on a tablet or mobile device (48 percent).

Forty-five percent have gotten their family in the competitive spirit with board games while two in five have had an old-fashioned game of Hide & Seek.

Three in ten have gotten creative and built a pillow/blanket fort with their kids and one in four have played Tag.

“The data validates the importance for STEAM companies to keep delivering more learning content, especially during these unusual times,” says Osmo CEO Pramod Sharma.

Top at-home education methods

  1. Workbooks and worksheets: 66 percent
  2. Educational TV shows: 61 percent
  3. Video conference with teacher: 56 percent
  4. Reading aloud: 49 percent
  5. Flashcards: 37 percent
  6. Games on a tablet/mobile device: 37 percent

Top subjects parents want kids to continue to learn while home

  1. Mathematics 67 percent
  2. Science: 64 percent
  3. Reading: 57 percent
  4. History: 46 percent
  5. Phonics: 36 percent
  6. Physical education: 36 percent
  7. Music: 35 percent
  8. Art: 28 percent

Top activities with kids at home

  1. Watch TV/movies: 63 percent
  2. Drawing: 54 percent
  3. Games on a tablet/mobile device: 48 percent
  4. Schoolwork: 47 percent
  5. Board games: 45 percent
  6. Painting: 42 percent
  7. Hide & Seek: 41 percent
  8. Play outside: 39 percent
  9. Worksheets: 36 percent
  10. Naps: 34 percent
  11. Chalk outside: 33 percent
  12. Pillow/blanket forts: 30 percent
  13. Tag: 26 percent