
People are sick of being shamed for going outside during coronavirus lockdown

It’s the quarantine walk of shame.

People looking to beat the coronavirus lockdown blues with a bit of fresh air and exercise say they’re instead being pelted with tongue lashings and sinister stares by social-distancing diehards.

And while most folks stepping outdoors are actually adhering to proper pandemic protocols — such as maintaining 6 feet of personal space, wearing masks and washing their hands frequently — some say they’re still getting chewed out.

Midtown resident Sarah Javed was with her husband and two kids, ages 3 and 1, drawing with chalk in an empty parking lot when she was accosted by a complete stranger.

“A lady across the street yelled at us for being outdoors and threatened to call the cops,” Javed, 30, told The Post. “We said ‘do it,’ [but] they never came, so I assume they ignored her.”

The social-distancing shamer was yelling at the family for not wearing masks, despite the fact that “nobody was within 100 yards of us,” Javed said.

On April 17, Governor Andrew Cuomo issued a issued a mandate requiring everyone over 2-years-old to wear masks in public when social distancing can’t be maintained. So to Javed, she and her family weren’t putting anyone at risk, she said.

Joggers and bikers are another target for the outdoor whistleblowers.

“As a runner I…sense disapproval from some with whom I share the trail,” said Jill Gaebler. “I want everyone to feel comfortable when enjoying the outdoors, but also believe we need to have more grace and understanding with each other during this crisis.”

But some critics want runners to be less lax about their workout get-ups — even when it comes to famous actors.

Ivette Soler, of Los Angeles, is pretty sure she saw Colin Farrell — or someone who looked a lot like him — playing fast and loose with his mask.

“We were parked at a light, and I saw this muscular-chested, really sweaty jogger running across the street with his bandana mask,” she says.

But “when he started crossing our street, he whipped off his bandana . . . Despite all the sexy that was before me, I met his piercing gaze with the most withering look of mask-shaming I could muster,” says Soler, who shared the incident on Facebook.

Others say the criticism largely lives online where people flock to vent their opinions.

“In my personal experience, the fiercest shaming happens on here,” said Christoph Schilling over Twitter.

One Twitter user urged urged their followers to stay home Wednesday.

“I am BEGGING ya’ll to please stop going outside so I can shake my ass in the club to this remix. I NEED y’all to do this ONE thing,” they wrote.

It’s no surprise the confusion surrounding safety has emerged as public health information continues to be updated and changed.

But despite the need for sheltering in place to flatten the curve of the coronavirus, the New York State Department of Health actually states that it’s healthy and encouraged to head outside, as long as social-distancing measures are taken.

“Getting outdoors to walk, jog, hike, garden, ride a bicycle or visit a park are healthy ways to stay active, spend time with your family, and reduce stress and anxiety while engaging in social-distancing strategies,” the site states.

Even officials like Mayor Bill de Blasio goes to “get my exercise like everyone else,” he said on NY1’s “Inside City Hall” of his runs at Brooklyn’s Prospect Park.

People should maintain 6 feet of distance (that means no games!), avoid playground equipment and bike sharing; refrain from touching your eyes, nose and mouth and always wash hands for at least 20 seconds immediately after coming back inside.