US News

Studies show no evidence of kids under 10 passing coronavirus to adults

No child under age 10 is known to have transmitted the coronavirus to an adult, a review of several studies has found.

Experts can’t find a single case in which a young kid passed the virus on to a grownup, according to the review led by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and reported in the Telegraph Thursday.

Kids are also far less likely to become infected, the research found.

“COVID-19 appears to affect children less often, and with less severity, including frequent asymptomatic or sub-clinical infection,” the research concluded.

“The role of children in transmission is unclear, but it seems likely they do not play a significant role.”

It’s possible children don’t pass on the virus because they typically only develop a milder form of the disease, the researchers said.

Switzerland is already encouraging “under-10s” to hug their grandparents again.