US News

Jeffrey Epstein accuser wants to document ‘opulence’ of his properties

A Jeffrey Epstein accuser wants access to two of the late multimillionaire’s properties, where she says she was sexually abused, so her lawyers can document the “opulence” of the locations, according to a new Manhattan federal filing.

Attorneys for a woman, identified as Priscilla Doe, filed a motion Tuesday for permission to enter Epstein’s townhouse on East 71st Street for five hours and his luxury compound on Little Saint James Island for eight hours.

“In order to properly represent Priscilla in this matter, counsel must have the ability to fully understand the physical characteristics of the properties in order to pursue evidence, develop testimony, and cross-examine defense witnesses,” wrote Priscilla’s lawyer Bradley Edwards, specifically requesting permission to take video, photos and measurements.

He argued in the filing that it’s important to record the “grandeur and opulence” of the homes to “demonstrate the power disparity between Epstein and Doe.”

The labyrinthine design of the New York property and the isolation of the US Virgin Islands compound undercut the argument that Epstein’s victims were free to leave, the filing says.

Jeffrey Epstein's townhouse at 9 East 71st Street
Jeffrey Epstein’s townhouse at 9 E. 71st St.Getty Images

The complex layout of the Manhattan townhome with a “web of various floors and rooms” made it difficult for girls and young women to escape him, Edwards wrote.

Both properties are in the hands of Epstein’s estate after he hanged himself in his jail cell in August 2019 while awaiting trial on sex-trafficking charges.

Priscilla is one of several women to file suit against Epstein’s estate and a slew of others after his suicide.

She alleges that she was 20 when she met Epstein and he promised to advance her dancing career.

On a 2006 trip to the remote island, she alleges he forced her to have sex with another woman while he choked her. Epstein also allegedly coerced her into giving his “powerful friends” massages during which she was sexually abused, the suit alleges.