US News

CNN’s Chris Cuomo presses brother Andrew on running for president

Coronavirus-infected CNN host Chris Cuomo playfully pressed his brother, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, about whether he would jump into the Democratic presidential race now that Sen. Bernie Sanders has dropped out.

Gov. Cuomo, whose national profile has risen because of his daily briefings during the coronavirus crisis, said he pledged to the people of the Empire State that he would continue as governor.

“When I said I wanted to run for governor, I said to the people of my state, I will serve as your governor. People asked me, well, will you run for president, I said no. I’m not that guy, Chris. I’m not that politician that says, yeah it’s all about me, the next step on the ladder. … I am true to my word,” Cuomo, 62, told his younger brother Wednesday evening.

The governor also said the presumptive nominee former Vice President Joe Biden, is a “personal friend of mine.”

Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Chris Cuomo
Gov. Andrew Cuomo (left) and Chris CuomoHans Pennink; Office of the Governor via AP

“I’ve worked with him, he’s been a great friend to this state. I support him. I have for years. And he’s going to be, I believe, an excellent Democratic candidate and a leader,” Cuomo said.

In an earlier exchange on the CNN show, Chris Cuomo, 49, who has been staying at home since he announced he tested positive for the virus last week, asked if his brother was “giving different consideration” to throwing his hat in the ring.

“No,” the governor responded.

Chris Cuomo said there is “political momentum” around the possibility of accepting the vice president’s spot from Biden.

“First of all, I’m glad to see you’re feeling better. I can tell you’re feeling better,” the governor said.

Sanders announced to his supporters Wednesday that he was suspending his campaign because he saw no viable path to the nomination due to Biden’s huge lead in delegates.