
NYC park-goers threaten to spit, cough on cops enforcing social distancing

It’s dangerous to be a city parks enforcement officer these days.

Several officers told The Post on Tuesday that some park-goers are so angry over being called out about social distancing amid the coronavirus that they threaten to spit or cough on them if they try to enforce the safety rules.

“They will say, ‘Screw you, I hope you get coronavirus,’’ a Parks Enforcement Patrol officer said. “People do not want to listen.”

Another officer said, “You have situations where we are educating people about social distancing, and they are threatening to cough on you as a means to break the law and get away with it.

“There’s even people out there that are threatening to spit on you.”

The officers said the biggest problems occur at parks such as Washington Square in Greenwich Village in Manhattan and Astoria in Queens.

At Washington Square, people are gathering to skateboard, sing and pass around pot and booze, the parks officers said.

“That is the kind of park where people go against the grain,’’ an officer said. “People are still passing the bottle around. They are still setting up picnics and hanging out with their friends.

“The only thing that breaks it up is rain.”

Post videos and photos show local parks still full of revelers despite warnings to stay inside, although most are keeping their distance — which the parks enforcement officers agreed is the case.

The city parks are open, although not their playgrounds. Also closed are all dog walks, skate parks and courts from basketball to tennis.

Joe Puleo, president of DC 37 Local 983, whose members include the park enforcement officers, said he advises workers to use their discretion and not put themselves at risk to write a ticket or educate scofflaws.

“The problem is too many people don’t think this is something serious,’’ he said.

“Should [officers] go out there and expose themselves to write a summons? That’s something we really need to think hard about. Chances are, a $1,000 ticket isn’t going to be paid anyway. This is a difficult issue.”

A Parks Department rep said, “Parks are essential at this time.

“But visitors must use their common sense. We continue to strongly urge all New Yorkers to maintain 6 feet of distance between each other. Please do not overcrowd each other, there is space for everyone.”

Additional reporting by Kate Sheehy