
Trump tweets that Pelosi’s appearance on Morning Joe ‘wasn’t bad’

President Trump offered his chief foe, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, what appeared to be some rare praise in a tweet commenting on a cable news appearance she made.

“I watched a portion of low rated (very) Morning Psycho (Joe) this Morning in order to see what Nancy Pelosi had to say, & what moves she was planning to further hurt our Country,” the commander-in-chief wrote Tuesday morning.

“Actually, other than her usual complaining that I’m a terrible person, she wasn’t bad. Still praying!” he continued.

Pelosi was making an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” to discuss the bipartisan passage of the coronavirus stimulus packages and what she expected from a potential fourth relief bill — during which she declined to take any overt shots at the chief executive.

Asked what she thought of the president’s leadership during the crisis and what she would ask him to do differently, Pelosi took a collegial tone, focusing solely on the need for equipment.

“I would join those, whether it’s the governors, the mayors, people across the country who are saying: We need the equipment, the personal protective equipment for the workers, the ventilators and other equipment for the patients. We need proper testing, testing, testing,” Pelosi told the co-hosts.

“So I would say to the president, immediately, implement the Defense Production Act, insisting that businesses in our country turn to producing the equipment that we need. The American people … are united in that recognition of that need. It will save lives.”

“We’re asking people to risk their lives to save other lives, we’re asking people to make judgments about who gets a ventilator or not. That should not be happening. One thing that we could do, that we all agree on, Democrats and Republicans alike: PPE, personal protection equipment, as well as the equipment to save the patients’ lives,” she added.