
New York state coronavirus cases top 75,000, death toll reaches 1,550

Over 75,000 people in New York state have tested positive for the coronavirus, as the number of Big Apple diagnoses rocketed past 40,000, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Tuesday.

“The march of coronavirus across the state of New York continues,” said Cuomo in his now-daily press briefing, this one back in Albany.

The number of state cases rose to 75,795, with 1,550 dead, Cuomo said.

The five boroughs, meanwhile, have tallied 40,900 cases, with 932 fatalities, according to City Hall statistics released Tuesday morning.

But Cuomo noted that the toll in New York City may be even greater, as the state tallied 43,139 in the five boroughs.

A staggering 205,186 New Yorkers have been tested for the contagion.

The governor again stressed that the disease’s hellish apex is still approaching, some 14 to 30 days down the road, depending on the model.

“We’re still going up the mountain,” he said. “The main battle is on the top of the mountain.”

Cuomo described the agonizing build-up as “debilitating and exhausting and depressing” for all involved, most of all those on the front lines.

“I’m speaking to health care professionals who say, ‘Look, more than physically tired, I’m just emotionally tired,'” Cuomo relayed.