
Cuomo blames ventilator shortage on competition with FEMA, states

ALBANY — New York is caught in a bidding war with the federal government and other states for pricey, much-needed ventilators, frustrating the Empire State’s quest for 40,000 machines, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Wednesday.

“We have ordered 17,000 from China — ventilators — that we would pay for roughly $25,000 each,” Cuomo told reporters during an Albany briefing, claiming 2,500 of those are on their way and will arrive in New York within two weeks.

Department of Health officials estimate the “apex” of the coronavirus outbreak will hit the state in roughly seven to 21 days’ time, and Cuomo says New York will need up to 40,000 machines.

“Look at the bizarre situation we wind up in: Every state does its own purchasing, so New York’s purchasing, California’s purchasing, Illinois’s purchasing, we’re all trying to buy the same commodity,” Cuomo explained.

“It’s like being on eBay with 50 other states bidding on a ventilator … how inefficient.”

“And then, FEMA gets involved and FEMA starts bidding! And now FEMA is bidding on top of the 50! So FEMA is driving up the price. What sense does this make?” he exclaimed.

“The federal government — FEMA — should’ve been the purchasing agent, buying everything and then allocating it by need to the states. Why create a situation where 50 states are competing with each other and then the federal government and FEMA comes in and competes with the rest of it?”

The federal government has promised New York state 4,400 ventilators, with 2,400 heading to New York City.

Cuomo has said the machines will be stored in a stockpile and distributed as needed.

This has caused a rift between the governor and President Trump, who on Sunday announced that the federal government would deliver ventilators directly to overwhelmed hospitals — blasting New York for warehousing them.

Cuomo defended the decision, arguing the state needs to have a reserve supply ready to deploy at the virus’ apex.