
Bijou Karman launches Fossil collection to empower women to do what they love

Fashion illustrator Bijou Karman and Fossil have created the only accessories you’ll need this spring.
And you’ll be happy to know the collection has as much purpose as it does style, with the line launching in celebration of International Women’s Day.
The Bijou Karman x Fossil line, which dropped on March 2, includes four watches, two earrings and two totes.
The collection’s watches feature exclusive art by Karman that tell the stories of women around the world.

Karman has been a fan of art and fashion since she was child, with her love of fashion magazines initially sparking career aspirations of being a fashion editor or stylist.
But after attending art school, she uncovered her calling as an illustrator. And she sees her Fossil collection as means to use her talents to continue her mission to support and empower women though her art.

Bijou Karman x Fossil Collection
“Since much of my artwork is inspired by female subjects, supporting women-focused causes centered around equality, education, and more are especially important to me,” Karman told The Post. “This collaboration gave me the opportunity to illustrate a diverse group of women in addition to making unique accessories for a powerful cause.”
An extension of that cause is that 25% of proceeds from the line will benefit Girl Rising — an organization that uses a variety of creative mediums to tell the stories of girls across the globe.
“For me, Girl Rising means promoting education and equality for women, and those who care for them,” Karman said. “I believe education is where all change emanates from, so it is a really exciting initiative that I’m happy to be able to support with my work alongside Fossil.”
Bijou Karman x Fossil Collection
When it comes to the stunning color palette used for the line, Karman said she chose shades that “feel like spring.” She added that her vivid illustrations are a way of “designing my own world.”
“It’s fun for me to pick their outfits, hairstyles and environments,” Karman said. “Ultimately all of the stylistic choices, like color and pattern, are intuitive and part of my design process.”
“The subjects I painted for the Fossil collection are imagined portraits of people who don’t actually exist but are inspired by the beauty and diversity of women. I see myself most in the environments that the women are in.”
Bijou Karman x Fossil Collection

The line also provided her the opportunity to illustrate the varied examples of beauty represented among women.
“I am actively involved in pursuing more equality for women in my work, to represent greater diversity,” Karman said. “As I was illustrating for a collection that speaks to what International Women’s Day means to me and to Fossil, I was looking forward to the challenge of reflecting varying ideas of beauty.”
“When women can see themselves reflected in media and consider themselves beautiful and worthy of respect and attention, it gives them the confidence to lead. I felt the weight of doing this justice.”
But more than anything, she is hopeful the collection will be a reminder to all women that they should follow their heart in all they do.

“I want these styles to encourage young women and girls to be independent and entrepreneurial,” Karman said. “Don’t wait for someone to give you permission to do what you love.”