
Biden holds 9-point lead on Trump in new Fox News Poll

A new poll has President Trump trailing Joe Biden by nine points in a head-to-head matchup.

The findings — outside the Fox News poll’s margin of error — show Trump’s numbers against Biden virtually unchanged from January.

Voters quizzed gave the former vice president high marks for his promise to nominate a woman as his vice president, with 63% saying they approved of the idea.

President Trump continued to hold wide leads with his base voters, including conservatives, white evangelicals, regular churchgoers, white men, and whites without a college degree.

The poll from Fox News

The survey was conducted between March 21 and March 24.

The poll suggests that while the president’s approval ratings for handling the coronavirus crisis are improving, it is so far not translating into a general election advantage against Biden.

President Trump’s overall approval ratings hit 49% this week according to the latest numbers from Gallup, numbers Trump hasn’t seen since the height of his Senate impeachment trial in February. A further 60% of Americans said he was doing a good job at handling the coronavirus pandemic.