
Trump ‘so happy’ after Mitt Romney tests negative for coronavirus

President Trump said he’s “so happy” Sen. Mitt Romney tested negative for coronavirus, but still knocked the Utah lawmaker for being a Republican in name only.

“This is really great news! I am so happy I can barely speak. He may have been a terrible presidential candidate and an even worse U.S. Senator, but he is a RINO, and I like him a lot!,” the president wrote on Twitter Wednesday.

Romney and fellow Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee said Sunday that they would self-quarantine after Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) announced he had tested positive for the virus.

Their doctors suggested self-quarantine because they had come in contact with the Kentucky Republican before his test came back.

Trump told reporters, “Gee, that’s too bad,” when asked about Romney on Sunday during a White House briefing.

Romney, the 2012 GOP presidential nominee, was the only Republican to vote to convict Trump of abuse of power during a Senate impeachment trial in February.