
Joe Biden makes series of gaffes in long day of cable news appearances

Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden spent the past two days conducting blunder-filled TV interviews from his home — and a virtual press briefing Wednesday where he said he doesn’t want to debate Bernie Sanders anymore.

“Do you think there should be another debate in April, and would you participate?” Biden was asked during his remote press conference.

“My focus is just dealing with this crisis right now. I haven’t thought about any more debates,” Biden said. “I think we’ve had enough debates. I think we should get on with this.”

The briefing followed a media blitz on Tuesday during which the gaffe-prone former vice president lived up to his reputation.

“We have to take care of the cure. That will make the problem worse no matter what. No matter what,” Biden said on ABC’s “The View” when asked to respond to President Trump’s desire to restart the economy amid the coronavirus ­outbreak.

Biden went on to discuss “flattening the curve.”

“We know you have to — you’re tired of hearing the phrase, you got to flatten that curve where it’s going up like this, people getting it, and then it comes down. We got to flatten that curve and we got to make sure that once, in fact, we have this under control, it doesn’t come back,” he sputtered.

Speaking a few hours later with Jake Tapper on CNN, Biden was criticized for coughing into his hand just moments after telling the host that he had not been tested for coronavirus because he was feeling OK.

It played out like this:

“I have not been tested for the coronavirus. I have had, thank God, no symptoms that I’m aware of,” Biden, 77, said.

Tapper then moved on to another question about Sanders, during which Biden coughed directly into his hand. As Biden answered his question, he coughed a second time into his hand.

Tapper then called out Biden for doing so.

“You know, you’re supposed to cough into your elbow. I learned that, actually, covering your White House,” Tapper said.

“No, actually — actually, that’s true. But fortunately I’m alone in my home, but that’s OK. I agree. You’re right. Excuse me,” Biden responded.

Biden also said he had written an op-ed for US News & World Report on Jan. 17 on the outbreak and what he believed Trump could do to halt the spread of the virus.

Biden actually wrote it for USA Today, which published it Jan. 27.

Within the same hour as the CNN interview, Biden made another appearance filled with odd comments, this time on MSNBC.

“Now all of a sudden, [Trump] is being tough on China. He’s making sure — and now he’s being soft on his xenophobia in the past, so I just can’t figure the guy. It’s like, I don’t know, it’s like watching a yo-yo. I shouldn’t have said it that way,” Biden said of Trump’s response to the virus.

Trump took a swipe at Biden on Twitter Wednesday, posting a montage of Biden’s Tuesday media blitz and sarcastically dubbing him “The Democrat’s Best & Finest!”