John Crudele

John Crudele


‘Dear John’ reader gets lemonade for a GM lemon

Dear John: I would like to fax to you 21 pages of correspondence in dealing with General Motors on one of their defective vehicles.

My vehicle, a 2019 Chevy Camaro, has been in the shop eight times and has been towed three times to the dealership. I have sent one letter and two emails to Mary Barra, GM’s chief executive. I have also written GM President Mark Reuss and to Executive VP Barry Engle, who is responsible for Chevrolet globally. No response.

I have owned 16 GM vehicles and I am also a stockholder. They want me to swap my vehicle for another 2019 Camaro, which is the only choice, according to customer service. I would rather get a check and apply it to a leftover 2019 Corvette. Thanks. T.V.

Dear T.V.: I contacted GM on your behalf and you got a new car — but it’s a Camaro, not the Corvette.

But you said that you were satisfied.

“They said it would be easier for them to trade for an equal car. It would be too difficult to work a deal with a credit,” you told me.

You got the new Camaro two weeks ago. You said it took eight weeks. GM also paid the sales tax and any fees involved. “No money out of my pocket. Thanks for your help,” you wrote.