US News

Four Indian men hanged for the gang rape, torture of 23-year-old medical student

Four Indian men convicted in the fatal gang rape and torture of a 23-year-old medical student were executed Thursday.

The men were hanged on the outskirts of the capital of New Dehli for their violent attack on the young woman that took place on a moving bus in 2012.

Akshay Thakur, Vinay Sharma, Pawan Gupta and Mukesh Singh were sentenced to death by a trial court in 2013. India’s top court upheld the sentence in 2017.

The quartet had taken the victim, who was studying physiotherapy, to the back of the bus where they raped her and damaged her internal organs with an iron rod.

She died from her injuries two weeks later in a Singapore hospital.

Ram Singh, the bus driver and the fifth suspect in the crime, was found hanging in his cell in Tihar prison in 2013, months before the jury made a conviction.

A sixth suspect was just shy of 18 years when the crime took place. He spent three years in a correction home — the maximum punishment for minors– before walking free in December of 2015.

With Post wires