US News

Feds will deploy Army Corps of Engineers to NY first, Mark Esper says

Defense Secretary Mark Esper in a Tuesday phone call with Gov. Andrew Cuomo pledged to deploy the Army Corps of Engineers to New York the “soonest” to help combat the coronavirus crisis.

Esper disclosed the decision in an interview on Fox News’ “Special Report with Bret Baier.”

The defense secretary told host Bret Baier that Cuomo expressed interest in “getting the Corps of Engineers engaged” in New York to address the anticipated shortage in hospital beds as the outbreak continues to grow.

Recounting the “good conversation,” Esper said of Cuomo: “what he sees, is a deficit, if you will, in hospital beds in New York state as he looks ahead to what may be coming.”

“I gave him my full commitment that we would get the Corps of Engineers up there soonest, to assess the problem and see how we can help out,” said Esper.

Cuomo acknowledged the call with Esper during his own appearance Tuesday night on MSNBC, saying the Army Corps of Engineers would be in New York by Wednesday.

“I spoke to the Secretary of Defense today,” Cuomo told host Rachel Maddow. “I have the Army Corps of Engineers coming in here tomorrow.”

The governor on Monday, appearing on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” called on the federal government to send the Army Corps of Engineers to retrofit state buildings in an effort to increase the number of hospital beds.

“I only have 3,000 intensive care beds, and these people are going to need the intensive care unit beds. The only hope we have now at this late date is to retrofit existing facilities,” Cuomo said Monday, referring to military bases, college dorms and other sites.