
Coronavirus in NY: Teachers prepare for unprecedented challenges of remote learning

Some city teachers predicted Tuesday that the Department of Education’s remote-learning scramble is headed for difficult problems — given the gaps in student hardware and wifi availability, not to mention the daunting task of engaging kids from afar.

“We are going to do our best, but this is pretty worrying,” a Bed-Stuy elementary-school teacher told The Post.

“It’s hard enough to keep attention and order in class, let alone in someone’s kitchen or wherever they are,” the Brooklyn instructor said. “At this point, there are far more questions than answers.”

Other educators told The Post that they are already having communication problems with parents about remote learning amid the coronavirus panic — and that many caregivers still aren’t even aware that it’s taking place.

“To be honest, I don’t think the first priority for a lot of people is setting up remote learning and downloading apps,” said a Canarsie, Brooklyn, school source. “We are hearing about teachers who are reaching out to people who are just telling them that they have more important things to worry about right now.”

The source said many parents, especially those in low-income areas, are spending more energy on arranging for childcare for their kids than delving into Google Classroom, Zoom or other remote-learning tools.

“You have to understand that people are preparing to not get paychecks in a week or a matter of weeks,” he said. “That is a stress that’s pretty much going to make everything else look small right now.”

Other teachers said few households — especially in poorer areas — have more than one available screen or device to use for remote-learning purposes.

“A lot, if not most, families have more than one kid in the system and only one computer for the whole house — if that,” a Queens elementary-school teacher said. “How are we going to handle teaching multiple kids at once? The parent is going to need that computer, too. There are aspects of this that are just very difficult.”

The DOE, teachers union and schools Chancellor Richard Carranza have acknowledged the unprecedented challenges posed by “distance learning” but have pledged to make it work as best they can.

The department is hustling to provide adequate devices to as many city kids as possible to make the system viable.

Teachers were in their buildings Tuesday to begin several days of immersive training, and the system is expected to roll out Monday, March 23.

“Transitioning to remote learning can keep students progressing academically,” the DOE said Tuesday in a statement, adding that it will make adjustments in the coming weeks as the process takes hold.