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Brother of Ariana Grande concert bomber convicted of 22 counts of murder

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Hashem Abedi
Armed police at Manchester Arena after a terror attack at the Ariana Grande concert.
Armed police at Manchester Arena after a terror attack at the Ariana Grande concert.PA Images via Getty Images

The brother of the suicide bomber who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert was found guilty Tuesday of murder for each of those who died.

Hashem Abedi, 22, was convicted of helping brother Salman Abedi plot and prepare his slaughter at the UK’s Manchester Arena, where seven of the dead were children as young as 8.

Another 237 concertgoers were injured and 670 survivors reported suffering from psychological trauma. Pop superstar Grande has also said she suffers PTSD.

“Hashem Abedi encouraged and helped his brother knowing that Salman Abedi planned to commit an atrocity,” said Max Hill, Britain’s director of public prosecutions.

“He has blood on his hands even if he didn’t detonate the bomb.”

Hashem — who was 19 at the time of the attack — was found guilty at London’s Old Bailey court of 22 counts of murder, attempted murder, and a charge of conspiracy to cause explosions.

The judge, Justice Jeremy Baker, said he will consider life in prison when he sentences the terrorist at a later date, the Evening Standard said.

Hashem was not in court to hear the unanimous verdict, with family members of those killed crying in court as each victim’s name was read out and the jury returned a guilty verdict, the Guardian said.

He had been in Libya when the attack took place, having earlier help his brother plot, plan and prepare the bloodbath — becoming the first to be successfully extradited to Britain when he was sent back in July 2019.

Ariana Grande
Ariana GrandeGetty Images for The Recording A

“He is a man who is equally responsible as his brother for this horrendous attack, this monstrous attack,” Detective Chief Inspector Simon Barraclough said after the verdict, according to the Guardian.

“The way he has conducted himself since he landed demonstrates even more the jihadi mindset that would be supportive of the sick ideology of [ISIS],” he added.

With Post wires