
All your coronavirus social distancing questions answered

Government officials have ordered schools and businesses to close, curfews have been implemented and it’s up to everyone to practice social distancing.

But with the frightening reality of the COVID-19 global pandemic now upon us, there’s also a lot of confusion about what all of this means for our daily lives.

“The point of social distancing is that staying home and avoiding contact with people can reduce the number of infections over time,” says Dr. Frederick Davis, an emergency room doctor at Northwell Health on Long Island. “We know respiratory droplets from a cough can spread far distances, so the further you can separate yourself, the better.”

Experts suggest keeping a distance of 6 feet between yourself and others to minimize the spread of the disease. But how exactly does that work in a crowded city or popular public place?

Here, Davis shares the best practices for social distancing.

Can I walk my dog?

Yes, you can and absolutely should walk your dog, not only for their needs but for your own. Getting fresh air is good for people.

Can I go shopping for food and supplies?

Yes, you can leave your apartment and go get supplies — at least for now you still can — but I wouldn’t bring the whole family. Reduce the number of people you come in contact with and avoid long checkout lines. If that’s impossible, make sure to watch your hands immediately after.

Should I be avoiding big box stores?

Although it’s convenient to have everything under one roof, the long lines are problematic. Now is the perfect time to go to the mom and pop store on your block.

Should I cross the street to avoid people?

I don’t know if you need to go that far. There’s a lot of fear and concern, but as long as we are polite — and [you] cough into your elbow — you don’t have to avoid all human contact.

So then do I have to be 6 feet apart from my roommates?

If you are asymptomatic, you could still be carrying the virus, so although space is tight in New York I wouldn’t congregate on a small couch. You don’t have to fully avoid people, but I would reduce unnecessary contact with people, especially the elderly.

What about my significant other? Can we still have sex?

If you aren’t showing any symptoms right now, yes, but it’s a gray area. While I expect a baby boom in nine-or-so months, it’s one of those things people can transmit without having symptoms or knowing. In reality, you could be carrying it now.

Gyms have been shut down, but if someone suggests a group run or meetup can I still work out with them?


What about food carts and trucks?

I wouldn’t say no, but I do think that you want to be extra aware of how hygienically the food is being prepared.

What about goods from street vendors?

There’s always the concern of the virus living on inanimate objects, but the viral load will decrease over time and you’d need a large viral load — like if someone just sneezed on a glove and you pick it up — in order for you to pick up a virus. Still, I wouldn’t touch my face after touching anything.

Is food delivery safe?

I think so. As long as the food is prepared as it normally is, with a lot of standards. And make sure you aren’t the culprit. Don’t eat with your hands or touch the delivery bag then touch your mouth. Wash your hands before and after you eat.

What about Amazon package delivery?

You’re the second person to ask me that today. I read that [coronavirus] might be able to live on cardboard for up to 24 hours; so, with that in mind, when you get your delivery, open the box and take out your items and then immediately wash your hands. Dispose of the box outside of the house and then wash your hands again. And don’t greet someone at the door.

Can my super fix something in my apartment?

Yes, it’s appropriate if something is broken and you need maintenance. It’s not unreasonable to have a single person enter your apartment with appropriate measures taken — stay 6 feet away, don’t touch each other or exchange money.

Can I fly?

I’d be concerned about flying because you’re in close contact with other people. If you look at the reports out of airports, there are travelers waiting in long lines to get out. This puts you at a higher risk. And we don’t want to travel to visit our older loved ones, unfortunately, [since] we are putting them at risk.

What about driving?

That’s a great alternative. Driving is totally reasonable, but make sure to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer every time you enter and leave the car. And don’t forget if your destination has people around, it’s best to stay 6 feet away.

*This interview has been lightly edited for clarity