John Crudele

John Crudele


Credit card age is often considered — even if it’s been closed

Dear John: Jeff Richardson here from VantageScore.

I thought I’d briefly point out that our models do in many cases consider the credit history and age of closed credit card accounts. As with many things, it depends on what else resides in a person’s credit file.

But it is not correct to state that the age of the closed credit card account is not considered universally. I have connected with Ted Rossman [from, who was quoted in the column] and he understands the nuance.

Dear Jeff: Thanks for the clarification.

Since VantageScore is one of the leading organizations that gives people their credit scores, I guess you would know.

Readers: I’m going to leave the Nano hearing aid giveaway open for a few more days. But already there are over 800 people who have requested a pair of the free devices.

Here, again, are the rules: If you need hearing aids and can’t afford them, tell us your story in an email to Request deadline is March 18.

Representatives from Nano will decide who gets the devices based on need and inability to buy them for yourself.

Please send emails to that address only. Don’t email me. Don’t call me. Don’t send me a letter. I will not forward your requests.

You’ll know soon the lucky winners of the Nano hearing aids. The company will only notify the people who won.

Good luck.