US News

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s wife tests positive for coronavirus

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s wife has tested positive for the new coronavirus, his office confirmed Thursday night.

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, 44, started feeling sick late Wednesday, shortly after getting back to Canada from a London speaking engagement. She tested positive Thursday and will remain in isolation for the time being, a spokesman said.

“First I’d like to say a big thank you to all of you who have reached out to me asking how I’m doing,” she said in a statement. “Although I’m experiencing uncomfortable symptoms of the virus, I will be back on my feet soon.

“Being at quarantine at home is nothing compared to other Canadian families who might be going through this and for those facing more serious health concerns.”

Trudeau himself is in good health with no symptoms, the spokesman said. But as a precaution, he will isolate himself for two weeks.