
Coronavirus kills monthly cuddle party for non-sexual snuggles

Coronavirus has claimed its latest victim: a non-sexual cuddling party in San Francisco.

The next monthly installment of Cuddle Party, scheduled for March 14, has been nixed as part of the California city’s ban on non-essential events held in city-owned facilities to curb the virus’ reach, Business Insider reports.

Dr. Yoni Alkan, who organizes San Francisco’s branch of Cuddle Party, says Saturday’s event is the sole one to be canceled “for now.”

These three- to four-hour events take place in an undisclosed location in the Richmond District, located in the northwest of the city — where total strangers gather to meet, practice consent through communication and to touch or be touched. Its rules include keeping pajamas on the entire time, asking for verbal permission before touching anyone and keeping the cuddle space clean and tidy, according to its website. Around 30 people typically attend.

The city’s ban on non-essential events went into effect on Saturday and will remain that way for two weeks, until March 20. By non-essential, the city means any gathering of 50 or more for social, cultural or entertainment purposes in which people are not separated by at least four feet.

Last week, San Francisco reported two confirmed cases of coronavirus, reportedly the result of community transmission without travel to affected world regions. There are reportedly six presumptive cases, all of whom are self-isolated at home and in “good condition,” Business Insider adds.