John Crudele

John Crudele


Car buyer teaches dealership valuable lesson after salesman tries to swindle her

Dear John: Your reply to the frustrated BMW buyer brought back a fond memory from many years ago, when our 20-something, 5-foot-nothing, 100-pound daughter went by herself to purchase a car from a local dealership. She didn’t want our help; she wanted to do it on her own. 

She found a car and worked out a deal. Alas, when she went back a couple of days later to pick it up, she found the numbers in the final paperwork didn’t match the deal she had struck. She complained to the salesman (who seemed surprised that the little lady could add and subtract). He tried to defend his numbers, but Jersey Girl wasn’t having it.  

Finally, he said he had to speak to his manager (that old ploy). Feisty Girl said, “I’ll come with you,” and she marched herself right behind the guy to the doorway of the manager’s office, which opened directly onto the busy showroom. 

As the salesman stammered, trying to relay the problem to his boss, Blondie interrupted. Using her outdoor voice, she said, “He’s trying to SWINDLE me!” Heads turned as she continued to detail the wrongs in the contract. 

She got her deal and quite a few upgrades, including a top-of-the-line sound system and I can’t remember what else. She certainly didn’t need our help. L.P. 

Dear L.P.: Not only did she learn a valuable life lesson, but she taught a lot of others a lesson — don’t let anyone push you around.

Good for her.

As Billy Joel used to say at the end of his concerts: “Don’t take any s–t from anyone.” Words to live by.