
Trump mocks Biden gaffes: ‘There’s something going on there’

President Trump came to Joe Biden’s hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, on Thursday and mocked the former vice president’s recent series of campaign gaffes, saying, “there’s something going on there.”

The president took the shot at Biden when asked at a Fox News Town Hall which Democratic candidate he’d rather run against — Bernie Sanders or Biden.

“Mentally, I’m all set for Bernie, communist,” Trump told the audience.

“And then we have this crazy thing that happened on Tuesday, which he thought was Thursday,” he said, referring to a Biden flub where he mixed up the day of Super Tuesday at a Monday campaign stop.

“But he also said 150 million people were killed with guns, and that he was running for the U.S. Senate,” Trump continued.

At last Tuesday’s Democratic debate, Biden mistakenly claimed 150 million Americans have been killed by gun violence since 2007. His campaign later clarified that he meant to say 150,000.

Last Monday, at an event in South Carolina, Biden also slipped, referring to himself as “a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate.”

Trump was also asked Thursday night if he thought Biden is “damaged” as a result of the impeachment proceedings against him.

The president assented, citing Biden’s son, Hunter, who was scrutinized by Trump’s legal team for holding a high-paying job at Ukrainian energy company Burisma while his father was vice president.

“You look at the son, here’s a guy who didn’t have a job,” Trump said.

“He goes out and gets $3 million, plus $183,000 a month to be a board member for a company that a lot of people said was corrupt.”