US News

Tom Steyer, a distant third in South Carolina primary, ends 2020 presidential bid

Billionaire investor Tom Steyer dropped out of the Democratic presidential race in the wake of a crushing loss in South Carolina’s primary Saturday — with, he said, “zero regrets.”

“There is no question today that this campaign, we were disappointed with where we came out,” Steyer told supporters in Columbia, South Carolina.

Steyer had racked up just over 11 percent of the vote with 66 percent of precincts reporting — missing the 15 percent cutoff to claim any statewide delegates — despite the $23.6 million he poured into advertising in the Palmetto State.

His won no delegates in the campaign’s three earlier contests, in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada, either.

But he said he would throw his support to whichever Democrat wins the nomination — because “every Democrat is better than Trump.”

And he promised to continue pushing for his favorite issues — including government programs to address climate change — when he is no longer a candidate.

“When the Lord closes a door, he opens a window,” Steyer said. “I will find that window and crawl through it with you.”