US News

Health and Human Services boss Alex Azar testifies about agency’s response to coronavirus

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar is testifying on Capitol Hill for a second day about the Trump administration’s response to the rapid global spread of the coronavirus crisis.

Azar appeared Wednesday morning before the House Appropriations subcommittee about his agency’s 2021 budget request and its readiness to combat an outbreak of the coronavirus in the US.

On Tuesday, the secretary testified to the Senate Appropriations Committee, where he was grilled by Democrats and Republicans about the administration’s request for $2.5 billion to prepare the nation for the virus.

Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley are also testifying before the House Armed Services Committee to discuss the administration’s defense budget.

The agency’s role in combating the virus is also likely to come up after a US soldier stationed in South Korea was diagnosed with the virus — the first armed forces member to test positive.

Their testimony comes as President Trump announced he and members of his administration will hold a news conference at 6 p.m. Wednesday on the White House’s response to the virus.