
Uncle seen berating nephew charged in Tessa Majors’ murder in video shown to court

The uncle of a teen charged in Tessa Majors’ murder berated the boy after hearing him confess to being at the scene with two pals and watching one stab the Barnard College freshman, according to video played in court Thursday.

Roosevelt Davis went on a profane tirade against nephew Zyairr Davis, 13, when cops left the interview room in the 26th Precinct station house where the teen spilled his guts.

“Do you see what you f–king got yourself into, ’cause you hanging out with the wrong f–king people instead of bringing your ass home?” Roosevelt said.

The older man also told the teen that he had no idea what he’d gotten himself into.

“This ain’t like school, you get a f–king suspension for like five days. This ain’t like that,” he said.

“All you needed to do was go the f–k to school and bring your ass home.”

The older man’s fury was repeatedly caught on camera during several breaks that punctuated Zyairr’s two-hour interview on Dec. 12, one day after Majors, 18, was knifed to death during a mugging in Morningside Park.

The video was played during a pre-trial hearing in Manhattan Family Court, where Zairr is being prosecuted as a juvenile offender on charges of second-degree murder and first-degree robbery.

During testimony last week, one of the cops who busted Zairr on a trespassing charge, leading to his questioning, said that Roosevelt tried to keep him from buying Zairr a bottle of Gatorade after the boy complained he was thirsty.

“Don’t get him f–king nothing,” Officer Kevin Garcia said Roosevelt told him at a vending machine in the station house.

Garcia bought the drink anyway and gave it to Zairr before the interview began, he testified.

On the video, Roosevelt repeatedly ripped into Zairr for hanging out with his older friends, accused stabber Rashaun Weaver and alleged accomplice Luchiano Lewis, both 14.

They’re both charged with murder and robbery as adults, and pleaded not guilty during a joint arraignment on Wednesday.

“Wanna be a f–king follower, I told you about being a follower. You think I need this s–t?” Roosevelt said.

“What did I tell you about being around people you’re not supposed to be around?”

The uncle also blamed his nephew for bringing him in contact with the NYPD.

“I’m in a f–king precinct. Never in my life have I been in a f–king precinct,” he said.

“Forty-six years old, never been in a f–king precinct til now!”

He added, “This shit is for common criminals. Un-fucking-real, y’all.”

At the conclusion of the interview, Roosevelt told Zyairr that he’d be held in custody “until you’re going to go court,” adding: “I didn’t raise you to be like this. This is un-f–king real.”

“Like you need something! You walking around with 200 f–king dollar shoes on your feet!” he said.

“You f–king hurt me, yo. Any other f–king thing you did, except for this.”

Roosevelt also pleaded with the detectives to “just not parade my child around” before bursting into tears.