
Trump rips Democratic debate performances of Bloomberg and Klobuchar at Colorado rally

President Trump kicked off a Thursday night rally by mocking Mike Bloomberg — who he called “Mini Mike” — and Sen. Amy Klobuchar for their performances at the Democratic debate on Wednesday, saying both the candidates “choked” on the stage in Las Vegas.

“I don’t know if anyone watched last night’s debates,” Trump told the crowd in Colorado Springs. “It got very big ratings — and you know mini Mike Bloomberg didn’t do well last night.”

Trump claimed he was going to send Bloomberg a note, “saying it’s not easy what I do.”

“Mike didn’t do well, he went way down,” the president added. “Bloomberg made a fool of himself last night. He choked, he choked.”

Trump also mocked Klobuchar, a Minnesota senator, for asking former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg if he accused her of being dumb on the Las Vegas debate stage.

“She choked, she choked,” Trump said of Klobuchar before making a choking gesture.

“She said, ‘Are you accusing me of being dumb?’ Who would make a statement like that?” Trump asked.

Trump added: “That was the end of her campaign in my book. You don’t say that.”

The president was referring to a tense exchange between Klobuchar and Buttigieg Wednesday night when the Minnesota senator asked Buttigieg if he was saying she’s dumb for forgetting the name of Mexico’s president in a recent interview.

Trump also went off on this year’s Academy Awards, questioning how “Parasite,” a South Korean film, could win Best Picture, and repeatedly referring to Brad Pitt as “a little wise guy.”

“And the winner is a movie from South Korea. What the hell was that all about?” asked Trump.

“We got enough problems with South Korea with trade. On top of it they give them the best movie of the year,” Trump said of the Bong Joon Ho-directed hit.

“Parasite” was the first non-English-language film to win best picture in the 92-year history of the Academy Awards.

Neon, the US distributor for “Parasite”  responded to Trump’s dig,  tweeting: “Understandable, he can’t read.”

Trump switched gears and said he was “never a fan” of Pitt, who won the best supporting actor award for his role in Quentin Tarantino flick, “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.”

“And then you have Brad Pitt, I was never a fan of his. He got up and said a little wise guy statement. Little wise guy. He’s a little wise guy,” said Trump.