Texans star JJ Watt on NFL owners’ proposed CBA: ‘Hard no’

If J.J. Watt is any indication, there could be trouble brewing between the NFL owners and the Players Association.

The Houston Texans star is not a fan of the league’s proposed collective bargaining agreement, which the owners voted on Thursday.

“Hard no on that proposed CBA,” Watt tweeted.

Though it wasn’t unanimous, owners voted to accept the negotiated parameters of a new CBA that includes a 17-game regular season to be introduced in 2021 or 2022, fewer preseason games and immediate expansion to 14 playoff teams, The Post’s Ryan Dunleavy confirmed.

This move by the owners also applied pressure to the NFL Players Association by implying this is the final offer before the March 18 start of a new league year. That date acts as a soft deadline for both sides because the new CBA could replace the final year of the existing pact.

“No deal is finalized until the players vote,” NFLPA president Eric Winston wrote on Twitter.

The NFLPA will hold a conference call Friday to discuss whether to move to vote by all players. A simple majority is needed to pass.

But if Watt’s view turns out to be just the first sign of players’ discord, this proposal could be dead on arrival.