Johnny Oleksinski

Johnny Oleksinski


‘Call of the Wild’ movie review: CGI can’t replace a real dog

Another day, another dog.

Whereas we used to be treated to the occasional canine adventure on-screen — “Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey,” “The Adventures of Milo and Otis” — these days, Hollywood pumps out several flea-ture films a year: “A Dog’s Purpose,” “A Dog’s Journey,” “A Dog’s Way Home.” Most of them are a dog’s dinner.

But the so-so “The Call of the Wild” can at least boast some literary cred. It’s based on Jack London’s 1903 novel about a Saint Bernard-Scotch collie mix, called Buck, who’s abducted from his home in California and sold in Alaska to be a sled dog.

With material like London’s, Buck gets a more developed arc than is typical of these films, in which the doggo usually wants nothing more than to return to his owner ASAP, no matter what it takes. Buck, by contrast, soon discovers his connection to the great outdoors and his natural pack-leader ability. And yet, for a movie about abandoning the collar for nature, “Call of the Wild” is oddly tame.

Yes, there’s beautiful Yukon mountain scenery galore in director Chris Sanders’ film, and any time Harrison Ford is in a movie — even cinematic kibble — is a good thing. But so much of this is sentimental twaddle, led by a lifeless main character.

Harrison Ford and his furry friend Buck in "The Call of the Wild."
Harrison Ford and his furry friend Buck in “The Call of the Wild.”Courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox

The thing that hurts the film the most is CGI. Ever since “A Dog’s Purpose” was dealt a blow by an animal rights group when leaked footage showed its starring fido yelping in fear in a scary pool of water, audiences have winced at pups in peril. “Call of the Wild” has likely reacted to that, and Buck is a fully computerized creature with a note of robot creepiness. The filmmakers can honestly say, “No dogs were harmed during the making of this movie,” because no dogs were involved in the making of this movie.

But can CGI replicate the lovable spontaneity of man’s best friend? Not yet. Buck is adorable in spots, but his movement (with motion-capture actor Terry Notary) lacks the agility and jerkiness of a real dog. You never believe Buck is the genuine article, so moments of danger and even cute mannerisms don’t land. Even the best-trained contestant at Westminster has some unpredictability.

Ford? He plays John Thornton, a guy in the Yukon panning for gold in the river, who eventually takes care of Buck. Playing a scraggly mountain man who lives in a shabby cabin isn’t a stretch for Ford nowadays. He pretty much did the same thing with Rick Deckard in “Blade Runner 2049” and as cranky old Han Solo in “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” Still, it’s nice to see him.

But his new furry friend’s got nothin’ on Chewbacca.