
Uptown kids pay for City Hall’s anti-Trump obsession

City Hall has decided to get rid of a Central Park skating rink — in a transparent effort to slap President Trump.

As The Post reported Wednesday, the public wants to keep the rink: More than 4,000 people signed a petition to stop the plan, which does away with one of two rinks at Lasker Rink and Pool near West 106th Street and shrinks the public swimming pool, while adding a stream and nature trail.

And the excuse that the pool is “beyond repair” is pretty unbelievable: The city can build a stream but can’t replace a pool, when it’s spending $150 million on the work?

The decision seems inexplicable until you realize that the Trump Organization has a 20-year concession to run the rink, which ends right before the reconstruction is supposed to start in 2021.

Sure looks like City Hall will do anything, including getting rid of a kids’ rink and a popular pool, to wipe away the “taint” of Donald Trump.
