
Firefighters battle 5-alarm blaze on Staten Island

Firefighters battled a five-alarm blaze on Staten Island in blustery conditions Monday afternoon.

Nearly 200 of New York’s Bravest doused the conflagration, which started on in a three-story home on Rensselaer Avenue near Vernon Avenue around 3:15 p.m., the FDNY said.

One person sustained minor injuries as well as seven firefighters, FDNY said.

Video posted online shows smoke billowing from homes on the street.

The fire was under control at 5:10 p.m., fire officials said.

A woman who lives in one of the charred homes and gave the name Stephanie told The Post, “I smelled it… then I saw the flames shooting across from the right side of the house.”

The woman then rushed her 89-year-old aunt Theresa out of the living room.

“I felt the fire on my ass!” she said.

“Two guys helped me get her to the stoop. Fifteen minutes later the fireman came,” she said.