
Bizarre spring-like weather this weekend could set NYC records

Break out the shorts and sandals.

New Yorkers are in store for bizarre spring-like weather this January weekend, with temperatures tipping up into the high 60s, according to AccuWeather forecasts.

Highs of 64 degrees are expected on Saturday — and Sunday will be even hotter. The forecast calls for a balmy 68 degrees with a chance of early morning rainfall, temperatures that are 15 to 30 degrees above average.

“Honestly, a good chunk of the time this weekend will be dry; by all means, get out and enjoy the weather. It’s not too often in the second week of January you’re going to get something like this,” said Dave Dombek, senior meteorologist at Accuweather.

The warm front is threatening regional temperature records dating back to the late 1800s with highs that are 15 to 30 degrees above average, according to Accuweather.

This weekend will likely break records in New York City, too. The current city high for Saturday is 63 degrees, set in 1975. Sunday’s record high is currently 66, set in 2017.

Saturday night revelers will also be in for a breezy, 58-degree low.

“The low that we’re forecasting for Saturday is a typical high you might see at the very end of October or the second week of April,” Dombek said.

Following a bristling week, New Yorkers and visitors are planning to toast to the warm weather while dining al fresco — or really just spend as much time outside as possible.

“I heard it was going to be warm, so I’m going with my daughter to the Bronx Zoo,” said Vance Clarke, 51, in town from East Orange, New Jersey.

Jennifer Cifuentes, 24, and her partner, John Gallo, 25, visiting from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, looked forward to shedding their big winter coats and hats.

“We are planning on going to a nice rooftop bar,” Gallo said.

Not everyone has the chance to get outside, though. Tiffany Perez, 20, of Brooklyn, said she’ll be one of the weekend workers stuck indoors — in her case at a car dealership job — while others bask outside.

“Well, unfortunately, I have to work all weekend,” she added, “but I’ll be able to look at the good weather from the window.”