
US to deploy more troops to protect US Embassy in Baghdad

The US military on Tuesday said it will deploy more troops to the US Embassy in Baghdad after supporters of an Iranian-backed militia stormed the compound while chanting “Death to America,” lighting fires and hurling rocks.

“We have taken appropriate force protection actions to ensure the safety of American citizens, military personnel and diplomats in country, and to ensure our right of self-defense,” Defense Secretary Mark Esper said in a statement.

Two Apache helicopters and about 100 Marines will be sent to the embassy compound.

Esper also called on Iraq to ensure its security forces protect US personnel at the embassy.

“As in all countries, we rely on host nation forces to assist in the protection of our personnel in country, and we call on the government of Iraq to fulfill its international responsibilities to do so,” he said in the statement. “The United States continues to support the Iraqi people and a free, sovereign, and prosperous Iraq.”

American soldiers are seen through a window inside the US embassy in Iraq's capital Baghdad.
American soldiers seen through a window inside the US embassy in Iraq’s capital Baghdad.AFP via Getty Images

Hundreds of backers Kataib Hezbollah stormed the compound after US jet fighters attacked five of the group’s bases in Iraq and Syria over the weekend, killing 25 fighters and wounding scores more.

The US said a rocket attack on an Iraqi base by the Iranian-backed militia group killed an American contractor and wounded several American military personnel.

Trump in a tweet blamed Iran for being behind the siege of the US embassy.

“Iran killed an American contractor, wounding many. We strongly responded, and always will. Now Iran is orchestrating an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Iraq,” the president wrote. “They will be held fully responsible. In addition, we expect Iraq to use its forces to protect the Embassy, and so notified!”