
Trump threatens Iran on Twitter — then wishes Tehran ‘Happy New Year!’

President Trump threatened Iran Tuesday, declaring that the Islamic Republic would pay a “BIG PRICE” for a violent protest at the US Embassy in Baghdad — before wishing Tehran a “Happy New Year!”

“Iran will be held fully responsible for lives lost, or damage incurred, at any of our facilities. They will pay a very BIG PRICE! This is not a Warning, it is a Threat. Happy New Year!” the commander in chief tweeted Tuesday afternoon.

“The Anti-Benghazi!” he added, referring to the 2012 attack on the US Embassy in Libya in which four Americans were killed, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.

Trump then touted the safety of the embassy in Baghdad — where earlier Tuesday, militiamen and their supporters stormed in to torch trailers, hurl rocks and paint anti-American slogans on walls and buildings.

“The US Embassy in Iraq is, & has been for hours, SAFE! Many of our great Warfighters, together with the most lethal military equipment in the world, was immediately rushed to the site. Thank you to the President & Prime Minister of Iraq for their rapid response upon request,” he wrote.

The rioters were protesting against deadly US airstrikes against an Iran-backed militia that is also sanctioned by the Iraqi government.

Embassy guards responded with stun grenades and tear gas, after the attackers entered and burned the security post at the entrance, but did not breach the main building.

The US has now sent in 100 Marines to reinforce security at the facility.

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