
Kim Jong Un says North Korea no longer bound by nuke test ban

Kim Jong-un says North Korea no longer feels “unilaterally bound” to its self-imposed ban on nuclear weapons testing.

The reclusive dictator on Wednesday, local time, also warned he would soon unveil a new strategic weapon to the world, without providing additional details, the North’s official Korean Central News Agency said.

He made the comments during a four-day ruling Worker’s Party party conference in the capital of Pyongyang, where he accused President Trump of dragging his feet in nuclear negotiations.

Kim vowed that his hermit kingdom would never give up its security for economic benefits in the face of so-called US hostility and threats, blasting what he described as “gangster-like” sanctions and pressure from Washington.

The North had set a Dec. 31 deadline for the US to lift at least some of the sanctions, as part of reviving stalled nuclear talks.

The country hasn’t conducted a long-range missile test or nuclear test in more than two years, since Kim announced the moratorium, in the hopes it would spur the US to lift sanctions amid nuclear talks.

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