
Graham: There will be ‘no Benghazis’ on Trump’s watch

Sen. Lindsey Graham on Tuesday praised President Trump for his handling of the violent protests against the US Embassy in Baghdad, saying there will be “no Benghazis on his watch,” and warned Iran to tread carefully and Iraq to watch America’s back.

“Very proud of President @realDonaldTrump acting decisively in the face of threats to our embassy in Baghdad,” the South Carolina Republican wrote in a series of postings on Twitter. “He has put the world on notice – there will be no Benghazis on his watch.”

Graham’s support of the president comes as hundreds of supporters of an Iranian-backed terror group stormed the embassy compound Tuesday, setting fires, hurling stones and forcing the evacuation of the ambassador and members of his staff.

Trump responded on Twitter that Iran is “orchestrating an attack on the US Embassy” and “will be held fully responsible.”

“In addition, we expect Iraq to use its forces to protect the Embassy, and so notified!” the president emphasized.

The violent demonstrations were in response to US jet fighters attacking bases in Iraq and Syria belonging to Kataib Hezebollah that killed 25 fighters and wounded scores more.

The airstrikes Saturday were in retaliation for the group killing an American contractor and wounding several service members in a rocket attack on an Iraqi military base Friday.

Graham addressed the Iranian regime directly.

“To the Iranian government: Be careful what you wish for — a country that depends on the ability to refine oil for its existence needs to be cautious,” he said.

Reports said Iraqi security forces made no effort to stop the protesters as they headed to the US compound, allowing them to pass through a security checkpoint.

Protesters burn property in front of the U.S. embassy compound, in Baghdad, Iraq
Protesters burn property in front of the US Embassy compound in Baghdad, Iraq.AP

Graham called on Iraq to stand with the US.

“To our Iraqi allies: This is your moment to convince the American people the US-Iraq relationship is meaningful to you and worth protecting. Protect our American personnel. You will not regret it,” Graham said.

On Sept. 11, 2012, the US mission in Benghazi, Libya, was attacked by members of a terrorist militia group, leading to the death of US Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, information officer Sean Smith and two CIA operatives, Glen Dohery and Tyrone Woods — former Navy SEALs.

The Obama administration, including then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, was heavily criticized for its handling of the situation.