US News

Distraught man threatens to leap from Eiffel Tower replica in Mexico

A man torn up over a split with his wife tried to throw himself off the Eiffel Tower on Tuesday.

No, not that one.

This guy climbed La Torre Eiffel — Spanish for “The Eiffel Tower” — a 224-foot down-scaled replica of the historic Parisian monument in Mexico, and stayed there for 40 minutes until cops and relatives were able to coax him down, the Mexican news agency Milenio reported.

The 39-year-old man, who was not identified, began his climb of the landmark in Gomez Plaza in Durango at 11:30 a.m., telling authorities he wanted to end it all over the heartbreaking split.

He was checked out by the Red Cross when he finally came down to earth and was taken to a local hospital for psychiatric evaluation, Milenio said.

The Durango tower was a gift from the French Consulate in Mexico in 2005. A second, smaller replica at just 65 feet high, sits in Guadalajara. Both are dwarfed by the 1,000-foot-tall genuine tower in France.