
Delivery guy gets e-bike stolen out from under him

A food delivery worker’s e-bike was stolen out from under him in the West Village, police said Tuesday.

The robbery took place as the 33-year-old deliveryman was riding his bike on Greenwich Avenue near Bank Street around 9 p.m., police said.

Two unidentified individuals approached the man, and one grabbed hold of him while the other took the $1,750 bike. Both fled east on West 11th Street, cops said.

Earlier that day, around 2 p.m., the same two men stole an unattended e-bike worth about $1,850 that was parked outside a Domino’s Pizza on West Eighth Street, according to police.

There were no injuries reported in either incident.

It’s unclear if these robberies are connected to a slew of thefts that took place between Sept. 13 and Dec. 3 in which food delivery workers were targeted and their bikes stolen.