
Amazon driver refuses to deliver booze to 92-year-old granny without ID

An Amazon driver might’ve been being a bit overzealous after twice refusing to deliver liquor to a UK woman sans an ID. Especially since the recipient was 92 years old.

Carl Johnston had sent his grandmother Louise Wilkinson a $9.50 bottle of Harveys Bristol Cream Sherry as a special holiday treat, reports the Sun. Little did Granny know, she was about to be left high and dry after the Amazon delivery driver requested the grandmother of four’s ID, despite her advanced age.

When the widow failed to produce either a passport or driver’s license, the liquor stickler took the bottle away, even though Wilkinson insisted she was of legal age.

Her grandson was flummoxed by the booze block.

“I can understand that if you are lucky enough to look around 18 you should have to show ID,” a frustrated Johnston told the Sun. “But my grandma is 92.”

A second attempt to deliver the goods to her home in Seaham in County Durham backfired after the gran tried to use a bus pass as identification. While Granny “is clearly old enough to drink, “a bus pass isn’t on Amazon’s list of accepted identifications,” lamented an exasperated Johnston.

Indeed, aside from the aforementioned forms of identification, Amazon only accepts military ID cards, a biometric immigration document or a photographic identity card bearing a national Proof of Age Standard Scheme (PASS) holograms, per the Sun.

Nonetheless, Johnston wondered why Amazon drivers couldn’t be more like the supermarket, “where they just accept a visual check if you are clearly over 18.” Amazon hasn’t responded to The Post’s request for comment.

Thankfully, it appears the “anxious” senior citizen will get her holiday hooch after all. Wilkinson’s tenacious grandson plans to purchase the sherry and deliver it himself — after getting a refund of course.

Her Amazon driver might be a stick in the mud, but at least he didn’t jack her package or treat it as a speed bump like some of the e-bazaar’s crazier couriers.