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Pair of wolf pups fatally struck by vehicle in Yellowstone National Park

Two wolf pups were killed after being hit by a vehicle in Yellowstone National Park, it was revealed Wednesday.

The accident happened around sunset on Nov. 19 near the park’s Northeast Entrance station — a National Historic Landmark constructed in 1935 — according to a National Park Service press release.

The pair of canines — one male and one female — were part of the Junction Butte Pack, a frequently observed group of wolves first spotted in the park in 2012, NBC Montana reported.

According to the press release, the park has gradually closed off guests’ access to certain areas near wolf dens.

When hikers trespass in those areas, wolf pups become more accustomed to humans and more prone to wandering onto vehicle-accessible roads.

“Having studied these pups since birth, I believe their exposure to, and fearlessness of people and roads could have been a factor in their death,” Yellowstone’s senior wolf biologist Doug Smith stated in the press release.

“Visitors must protect wolves from becoming habituated to people and roads. Stay at least 100 yards from wolves, never enter a closed area, and notify a park ranger of others who are in violation of these rules.”

The type of vehicle that killed the wolf pups was not immediately identified.

Yellowstone authorities are currently investigating the incident.